PHOSPHO-STAT3 (TYR705) ANTIBOD EA 登录可见 货号:LFPA0071 规格: ea ea ea ea ea 计量单位:ea 品牌:Thermo/赛默飞(经销) 交货周期:咨询店内客服 运杂费: 登录后可查看运杂费 +- 加入购物车 立即购买 收藏 产品详情...
anti-hyperglycaemic drug glycogen metabolismblood glucose level glucose-1-phosphateglycogenolysi phosphorylationhuman liver glycogen phosphorylasehuman muscle glycogen phosphorylasehuman brain glycogen phosphorylase...
S., L. Volsi, V. Guido, M. Fiore, I. Mangiafico, R. Barbagallo, et al. 2016. Giovanni, plasma heme oxygenase-1 is decreased in peripheral artery disease patients. Mol. Med. Rep. 14:3459-3463....
PSN-357, an effective glycogen phosphorylase (GP) inhibitor for the treatment for type 2 diabetics, is hampered in its clinical use by the poor selectivity between the GP isoforms in liver and in skeletal muscle. In ...
1). Identical results were obtained when heme was replaced by equimolar...subcellular liver fractions from rats treatea with Cocl2 and ...glycogen phosphorylase in the pancreas, where the measurements rather could...